This Graduate Institute was established to meet the needs of advanced studies for educators in technical and vocational schools, human resources development staff in public and private institutions, and graduates of relevant university departments. The objective of this Graduate Institute is to cultivate senior professionals for education and training in various fields of technical and vocational education.
This Graduate Institute was formally established according to the Ministry of Education’s official letter Tai Chi (Er) Tsi No. 88110825, as issued in September 1999.
The objective of the master program of our institute is to cultivate senior educational and training professionals in the fields of engineering, management, design, and human sciences, including school teachers, researchers, lecturers in industries, and educational administration talents.
The objective of the PhD program of our institute is to cultivate senior research talents in the fields of vocational education and training, including in-service teachers at technical and vocational colleges, vocational senior high school teachers, and in-service personnel engaging in educational training in industries.
The main purpose of this Graduate Institute is to cultivate senior professionals for education and training in various fields, such as engineering, management, design, and humanistic sciences, including school teachers and research talents. Therefore, the primary focus of this Graduate Institute is to cultivate professionals through the master program of technical and vocational education, while the secondary focus is to cultivate professionals through the in-service master program. Moreover, this Graduate Institute combines teacher training, such as the cultivation of pre-service educational talent training, and offers (in-service) a PhD program to cultivate senior research talents for technical and vocational education, as well as training fields. The students to be enrolled in this Graduate Institute are mainly vocational senior high school teachers, lecturers of technical and vocational junior colleges, trainers of in-service learning training centers, and senior supervisors of industrial management. Moreover, this Graduate Institute fulfills the educational policies of school e-learning, internationalization, and industrialization, in order to achieve its educational objectives. The educational objectives of this Graduate Institute are, as follows:
The main purpose of this Graduate Institute is to cultivate senior professionals for education and training in various fields, such as engineering, management, design, and humanistic sciences, including school teachers and research talents. Therefore, the primary focus of this Graduate Institute is to cultivate professionals through the master program of technical and vocational education, while the secondary focus is to cultivate professionals through the in-service master program. Moreover, this Graduate Institute combines teacher training, such as the cultivation of pre-service educational talent training, and offers (in-service) a PhD program to cultivate senior research talents for technical and vocational education, as well as training fields. The students to be enrolled in this Graduate Institute are mainly vocational senior high school teachers, lecturers of technical and vocational junior colleges, trainers of in-service learning training centers, and senior supervisors of industrial management. Moreover, this Graduate Institute fulfills the educational policies of school e-learning, internationalization, and industrialization, in order to achieve its educational objectives. The educational objectives of this Graduate Institute are, as follows:
The educational objective is to cultivate senior professionals for education and training in the fields of engineering, management, design, and humanistic sciences, including school teachers, researchers, lecturers in enterprises, and talents for educational administration. The educational focuses are:
To guide master program students to strengthen their research and learning of the theories and practices of technical and vocational education, as well as to cultivate their teaching ability, research ability, and administrative ability in technical and vocational education.
To guide master program students to strengthen their research and learning of technologies for professional fields, such as engineering, management, design, and humanistic sciences, in order to improve their professional knowledge and technologies in relevant fields.
The educational objective is to cultivate senior research talents for technical and vocational education, as well as training fields, where the students to be enrolled are mainly in-service personnel, including in-service teachers of technical and vocational junior colleges, vocational senior high school teachers, and in-service personnel engaging in educational training in industries. The PhD program focuses on application and research-oriented courses, and students can take several elective courses offered by other master programs and PhD programs in our university to strengthen their original professional competencies. The educational focuses are:
To develop PhD program students’ abilities in planning and executing research, as well as the abilities to explore, develop, and comprehensively analyze the issues and practices of domestic and foreign technical and vocational educational development according to their context/background, regional and social culture, and local industrial, technological, and economic development.
To develop PhD program students’ ability to apply research results to the contexts of practical works, in order to improve their work quality and efficiency in professional fields.
Attaching importance to electronization, industrialization, and internationalization. Our institute emphasizes the equal importance of theory and practice, and considers both science and technology and humanity. Therefore, there are three focuses in our institute’s education – teaching, research, and administrative management of technical and vocational education. Our institute appropriately plans and arranges the courses, faculties, equipment, and practical teaching.
Regarding course and teaching arrangements, thesis instructions for the graduate students, teacher/student thematic studies, and various departments and centers in colleges of engineering, management, design, and human sciences at our university fully cooperate with one another and share resources.
Providing opportunities for advanced studies: In order to meet the need for advanced studies in technical and vocational education in the various fields in society, our institute provides opportunities for advanced studies to graduates from relevant departments in universities and colleges, as well as human resources development and training personnel in public and private institutions, in order to improve their professional competence.
Developing strategic alliances: Developing interactive relationships as learning partners between universities of technology and science and regional technical and vocational education institutions.
Expanding international exchanges: Aggressively engaging in international educational cooperation and academic exchanges, in order to develop graduate students’ macro perspective of internationalization.
教室名稱 | 空間設備 | |
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所辦公室 Office VT201 |
各類教學器材、辦公用具 |
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e化教學專業教室 E-teaching Classroom VT203 |
單槍投影機、電動珠光螢幕、錄放影機、碟影機、 個人電腦、U型會議桌椅、白板。 |
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微型教學專業教室 Micro-teaching Classroom VT213 |
單槍投影機、電動珠光螢幕、個人電腦、白板、 遠端影音即時錄製系統、U型會議桌椅。 |
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測驗及統計電腦專業教室 Assessment & Statistics Classroom VT211 |
單槍投影機、電動珠光螢幕、電腦29台、SPSS統計軟體、 廣播教學系統、多種測驗評量量表、白板。 |
網路多媒體製作教室 Digital Multimedia Design Classroom VT205 |
數位剪輯系統、單槍投影機、電腦15台、數位攝影機、 數位多功能MP3播放機、掃瞄器、專用冷光燈、白板2個。 |
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研究生研究室 Graduate Student Study Room VT210 |
桌椅30組、三層櫃、置物櫃。 |
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教學研討室 Conference Room VT212 |
單槍投影機、電動珠光螢幕、白板、長型會議桌椅、 電子白板、個人電腦、研究生論文。 |
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圖書資訊室 Information & Computer Room VT208 |
電腦桌椅3組、燒錄器、各種教育期刊雜誌、印表機。 |
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數位多功能教學專業教室(一) Versatile E-learning Classroom VT222 |
單槍投影機、電動螢幕、個人電腦、數位化講桌、 白板、會議桌椅。 |
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數位多功能教學專業教室(二) Versatile E-learning Classroom VT223 |
單槍投影機、電動螢幕、個人電腦、數位化講桌、 白板、遠端影音即時錄製系統、會議桌椅。 |
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系所簡介空間 Introduction Space |
互動式看板 |
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穆斯林祈禱室 Muslim Prayer Room |
討論桌、椅子、個人電腦 |
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1F 討論室 1F Discussion Room |
討論桌、椅子 |
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2F 討論室(一) 2F Discussion Room(一) |
討論桌、椅子 |
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2F 討論室(二) 2F Discussion Room(二) |
討論桌、椅子 |
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學生 |
技職所預備研究生甄選規定 Pre-Graduate Selection Regulations |
2022-03-15 |
碩士班研究生修業要點 Main Points of Study for the Postgraduates of the Master's Program |
2020-11-10 |
博士班研究生修業要點 Main Points of Study for the Postgraduates of the Doctor's Program |
2019-02-19 |
108級(含)以前學生適用(A版-原入學版本) |
2019-03-12 |
2020-11-10 |
技職所博士生資格考試施行細則 Doctoral Student's Comprehensive Examinations Executive Rules |
2018-06-19 |
技職所學分抵免規定 Credits waiver and transference of technical and vocational colleges |
2016-04-19 |
技職所補助研究生出國參加國際學術活動作業要點 Technical and vocational colleges subsidize graduate students to go abroad to participate in international academic activities |
2015-08-18 |
技職所校外教學參觀實施要點 Key points for implementation of off-campus teaching visits by technical and vocational colleges |
2018-07-10 |
學生校外產業實務實習要點 Key points for off-campus internship of students |
2015-11-17 |
技職所相關學術領域期刊 Related Academic Journals |
2018-04-10 |
博士班研究生論文發表佐證資料一覽表 List for doctoral dissertations |
2020-05-11 |
技職所暨師培中心系友會捐贈收支管理辦法 Teacher training center of technical and vocational colleges and accounting management measures of donations |
2017-04-12 |
技職所獎學金實施要點 Key points for implementation of technical and vocational college scholarship |
2018-01-16 |
研究生手冊(碩士班) Master Students’ Manual |
2023-07-10 |
研究生手冊(博士班) Dotoral Students’ Manual |
2023-07-10 |
老師 |
技職所教師教學研究獎勵補助要點 Key points for awards for research in technical and vocational colleges |
2023-02-21 |
技職教育研究所經費使用暨稽核要點 Key points of fund and audit of technical and educational research institute |
2015-08-18 |
技職所自我評鑑實施要點 Key points for self-assessment of technical and vocational colleges |
2018-03-13 |
技職所專任教師升等評分細則 Detailed rules for promotion scoring of full-time teacher of technical and vocational colleges |
2021-03-10 |
技職所專任教師升等評審要點 Key points of review for promotion of full-time teachers of the technical and vocational colleges |
2021-03-10 |
技職所教師升等評分表 Rating scale for promotion of full-time teacher of technical and vocational colleges |
2021-03-10 |
研究生研究室分配與管理要點 Key points for allocation and management of postgraduate research rooms |
2015-10-05 |
技職所教師開課原則 Principles for classes of technical and vocational colleges |
2017-12-19 |
技職所國際事務委員會設置要點 Key points for international affairs committee of vocational and technical colleges |
2016-02-25 |
技職所課程委員會設置要點 |
2020-11-10 |
# | 學號 | 姓名 | 論文名稱 | 指導老師 |
{{p.year}} | {{p.number}} | {{p.auth}} | {{p.title}} | {{teachers[p.teacher-1].name}} |
©2021 國立雲林科技大學 技術及職業教育研究所
64002 雲林縣斗六市大學路三段123號 技職大樓二樓 VT201
電話:05-5342601 分機:3031 傳真:05-5312045